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Single woman, your death is beautiful.

Writer's picture: MadisonMadison

I once read this verse in a way I never had before:

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Psalm 116:15

Usually, I would think of this verse in the context of physical death. But then it dawned on me that as Christians and as single women, we die spiritual deaths to ourselves every single day (or at least, we ought to). We die to our most wrenching desires and most treasured dreams.

Single sisters, I know many of you wake up each morning with a heart that is aching with beautiful dreams and desires. They burn in the very core of who you are. And you bear the pain of not knowing if those dreams will ever come true.

You have choices. You could clutch your dreams for dear life and declare that you will never be happy without them. You could turn from God and try to force your dreams to come true on your own terms. You could prop your desires up on the throne of your heart each day, worshiping them with unbridled imaginations, self-pity and covetous thoughts. Or you could choose instead to die to your desires. To wrap all your dreams up in an alabaster box and lay them at the feet of Jesus each morning, to do with as He will.

You can choose to empty yourself of you, that you may be fully filled with the Spirit and walking in the peace and joy that surrender to Him brings.

When you die anew each morning to your desires for marriage and children, when you take up your cross and set your face like a flint to follow Christ, please know that the Lord sees. The Lord knows. And I believe that your death to yourself and your dreams is precious in His sight.

Single woman, your daily dying glorifies God. It ushers you into a closer walk with Christ, because it allows you to identify with His sufferings. It gives God the freedom to take your ugly lump of clay and make it into a lovely vessel. To take your hard, dead seed and turn it into a stunning flower. He will make your death beautiful.

"He hath made every thing beautiful in his time...." Ecclesiastes 3:11

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Jul 19, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for this.


Jul 19, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

So beautifully written. 💕

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