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Writer's pictureMadison

If the Wind and the Seas Obey Him, so Can My Sex Drive

Please enjoy this sermon I wrote to myself a couple years ago. :)

I am not at the mercy of my hormones and drives. My stormiest emotions and desires can and must be yielded to the Master.

Just because God created me with the capability to have sex, doesn't mean I have to have it.

God gave me a biological wiring to be a sexual being. But much deeper than that, He gave me a spiritual wiring to need intimacy with Christ in order to find true satisfaction.

Because of my relationship with Christ, I can live a totally satisfying life without sex. But without Him, I can't even begin to know a satisfying life.

My biological desires are meant to point me to the true desire of my heart. My craving for physical intimacy is a sign that points me to my great need for deeper spiritual intimacy with Jesus.

An intimate relationship with Christ is so wonderful, it makes the desire for physical intimacy fade in light of how amazing it is to be loved and known by God.

If you struggle with sexual sin, seek Jesus with your whole heart, your whole soul, and your whole life. Seek Him in His Word and in prayer. Seek Him with your time, your thoughts, your music, your entertainment, your Jesus with everything you have. He has promised to reward those who diligently seek Him - He won't hide Himself from you.

Sex is vital to have a healthy marriage, but it's deadly if we want to be healthy single women.

Single ladies, if we are saved, we have no excuse for sexual sin. We are not victims of our sex drives. Christ has given us everything we need to walk victoriously. Our desires may never go away, but because of Him we don't have to be controlled by them.

If you are struggling hard with sexual sin and the victory seems to be evading you, I would love to help you find the freedom that I found. My course has a lot of content that would be a help to you, and I also offer one on one mentoring.

(written when I had the gift of singleness)

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