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Writer's pictureMadison

You Won't Be a Happy Single Woman Until You Get This

I'm afraid we greatly underestimate God's ability to satisfy us.

We cheat ourselves out of being filled with that warm, bubbling satisfaction in Christ because we don't really think that He is enough to satisfy.

Do we really think that the God powerful enough to save us isn't also powerful enough to fulfill us? Do we think that the God who loved us enough to die for us doesn't love us enough to keep His promises? If so, no wonder so many single Christians are miserable!

Happiness as a single woman begins when you believe what Jesus said about Himself: that He truly is enough.

Oh, that we would believe the truth that Jesus IS enough to fill us! That He truly is all we need to be happy and fulfilled. We don't have to go through our days allowing our longings to make us miserable. We can choose to believe what God said about Himself, go to the Well, and be filled.

If Jesus is Who He says He is, then He is all you need to live a joyful single life. I refuse to believe that singleness has to be miserable when God has given us all we need to experience fullness of joy. (Psalm 116:11)

What is it that God has promised us?

...And these are only a few! How can we be miserable if we possess such incredible promises?

God's promises are so amazing, they often seem too good to be true. How could we possibly have perfect peace and contentment in singleness? How could Jesus alone be enough for our satisfaction and happiness? My friend, His promises can't work for you unless you put your trust in them. Until you believe them to be true and lean on them with your full weight, they won't be proven in your life. You have to try something to prove it. For example, you can look at a bed and say that you believe it will hold you up, but until you actually lie down on it and trust it with your full weight, you haven't proven it to be true.

Until you climb into the bed of God's promises and let go of all your own efforts to hold yourself up, you will not experience their power in your life. Jesus won't seem enough to satisfy until you trust that He is. He won't seem to be all you need until you believe that He is. Sister, lie down in the promises of God today. They are true regardless of what your feelings are telling you. Rest your weary soul and mind on the unwavering pillow of His truth, and tell your heart to trust Him.

God means business with His promises, and He likes it when we mean business with His promises. - Corrie ten Boom

Singleness is an opportunity for you to prove God's promises to be true. You get to prove that Jesus is all you need for joy, contentment, and peace. And your belief in His promises brings glory to Him.

"For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us." 2 Corinthians 1:20

(written when I had the gift of singleness.)

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Morgan Strnad
Morgan Strnad

Thank you so much for this blog post Madison, for the last couple of days I’ve been going back to my old singleness thoughts before I got out of my sexual sin, like ‘when is God going to show me the man I’m supposed to marry,’ but this post set me back on the right path and now I feel the Holy Spirit in me like I never have before. Thank you again.


Aww praise the Lord!! That is such a blessing to hear Morgan! Thank you for sharing ❤️

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