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10 Signs You've Fully Surrendered Your Desire for Marriage

You've heard it before a million times: "Surrender your desires to God!" But how do you know if you've actually surrendered? Deeper than that, how can you tell if you're walking in continual surrender to God, rather than continually coveting what you desire?

I asked my Instagram audience what helped them to know that they had fully surrendered their desire for marriage, and I also asked them to tell me how they would describe to someone what full surrender is like. Here is what they said:

  1. You don't think about it 24/7. There is not a constant war of desire in your spirit.

2. The thought of never getting married or never having children doesn't paralyze you with fear and dread. You trust that God will take care of you.

3. You feel peace and confidence in the Lord when you think about the possibility of a single or childless future.

4. There is a rest in your heart knowing that God is going to work out all things in your life for your good, and for His glory.

5. The thought of marriage not being in God's will for you doesn't stir up anger of bitterness in your heart.

6. You are able to fully embrace the life God has given you.

7. Your desires for the future don't dim the happy moments of the present. You can live in the moment and find joy in it.

8. Marriage no longer feels like something you must have to be happy, but simply a complement to an already satisfying relationship with Jesus.

9. You would rather be single than compromise.

10. You are able to make plans to serve the Lord without needing a husband to be a part of those plans.

I hope these 10 signs can be a help to you in discerning the posture of your heart.

Is there anything that you would add?

If you feel that you have not surrendered but you're unsure how to do so, I encourage you to work through my guide Requesting: How to Seek Marriage from a Surrendered Heart.

Disclaimer: there will of course be moments when you may not feel aligned with these 10 signs. The Christian walk is a journey with ebbs and flows. You may have to re-surrender daily or more often than that! But as you implement the practice of continual surrender, I believe these signs will become more and more prominent in your life as the fruit of a submitted and trusting heart.

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