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Application for a Bachelor/Bachelorette Ad - READ BELOW

Hello!! Please read through and fill out all the information below to be considered for an ad!

Criteria for being accepted:

  1. Must be a conservative, evangelical Christian. No Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Hindus, or Muslims will be accepted. Thank you for understanding!

  2. Must be born again (saved) and have a biblical view of salvation: it is by grace, through faith, not of works. (Eph. 2:8-9)

  3. By conservative Christian, we don't mean you must be an aspiring homesteader, haha. Conservative Christians generally accept traditional doctrines such as the virgin birth, the Trinity, and the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. They typically interpret the Bible literally and in context and believe it to be inerrant. They hold conservative views on issues such as abortion, same sex marriage, and gender roles. They prioritize personal morality and traditional family values. Basically, they love God's Word and strive to study and obey it. ;)

Here's how the ads work:

1. Use this form to send us a bio and pictures of yourself. We will create a post on @saved_singles with all of your information.

2. Guys/Gals who are interested can either comment on the post, dm you directly, or if you include your email/phone number they can reach out to you that way.

3. You will also have access to see other ads and can reach out in the same manner.

  1. We will do our best to have your ad posted within 2 weeks of your application.

  2. The cost for an ad is $5.00. This is a one time fee and your ad will remain posted for as long as you want it to. If at any point you would like to have your ad re-posted, you will simply fill out this application again. :) This payment is non-refundable, so please be sure that you want the ad and that you fit the criteria before applying.

  3. Please feel free to send us a DM through @saved_singles with any questions!


Photo Instructions

Upload 3 - 6 Photos of you that have the following criteria:

1. Clearly lit, not blurry (*tip - taking a photo in front of a north facing window often provides soft, even light).

2. No sunglasses or masks covering your face, and be smiling in at least one of the photos, if not all of them!

3. You can submit up to 6 photos, but at minimum please provide one photo of you from shoulders up, one from waist up, and one full body shot.

4. Please don't submit photos that have other people in the picture with you, unless you block their faces or crop them out.

5. Please avoid submitting selfies or pictures with social media filters on them. Preferably you want them to be photos of you in a natural setting and taken by someone else.

**Please keep modesty in mind - no cleavage or overly sensual clothing. Men, no shirtless photos. If your picture(s) make me uncomfortable I will have to leave them out of the post or choose not to post your profile at all. :)

Video Instructions (optional)

Videos help people get a better idea of what you are like. Here are some prompt ideas for what to say in your video (must be under 60 seconds long):

1. Introduce yourself and invite people to reach out to you

2. Share about the most recent book you read or movie you watched

3. Share a nutshell version of your salvation testimony

4. Something you've been meditating on from scripture lately

Bio Instructions

Your Bio Must Include the Following:

-Instagram Handle

- Age

- Height

- Where you live

- Roughly when and how did you get saved?

- Denomination

- Ever married?

- Have kids?

- Future Vision

- Interests/Hobbies

- What are you looking for in a husband/wife?

- Are you open to long distance? If so how distant? (Out of state, or country etc)

-Anything else you would like to include

If you would like people to reach out to you in a different way than an Instagram DM (text, email, FB messenger etc) please include the information for that.

*Please limit to 3-4 paragraphs

Application Fee
Application Fee

A Word of Advice

  1. You are more likely to get responses if your Instagram account has a good picture of you on your profile and if it is open rather than private.

  2. Don't write someone off because their looks don't knock your socks off immediately in a picture. PICTURES DO NOT DO JUSTICE! In this age of the internet, I think we've forgotten how attraction works. Most of the time you have to be around someone physically and have a trusting friendship built before crazy fireworks come. Remember that a "10" might be selfish or have a terrible personality. Whereas someone who didn't initially turn your head becomes extremely attractive when you learn their character and personality. :) Unless someone is absolutely repulsive to you in their photos, if they align with everything else you're looking for, give them a chance!! I have heard countless stories of married couples who said that when they saw their now spouse in a photo before meeting in person, they didn't necessarily find them super attractive. Then when they got to know them/met in person, they couldn't believe they almost passed that person up!

  3. If you must have a private Instagram account, make sure you are regularly checking your message requests.

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